Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24

(By Senators Bailey, Tomblin, Mr. President, Bowman, Chafin,

Edgell, Fanning, Foster, Green, Helmick, Hunter, Jenkins,

Kessler, Love, McCabe, Minard, Oliverio, Plymale, Prezioso,

Stollings, Unger, Wells, White, Barnes, Caruth, Facemyer, Guills, Sypolt, Hall and Boley)

Requesting the Division of Tourism commission an online survey and/or poll of state residents to determine the preference of West Virginians for the slogan appearing on highway signs over our state borders.

Whereas, In 2006, new official signs were erected on highway borders across our great state with the message: "Welcome to West Virginia: Open for Business"; and
Whereas, The message was designed to reinforce the progressive changes taking place in West Virginia, to symbolize that the State of West Virginia is currently altering the management of government affairs and to remind those crossing our borders that West Virginia's location and proximity to 60 percent of the population of the United States is conducive to conduct business, enjoy a vacation and raise a family; and
Whereas, Prior to 1990, many of the highway signs contained the slogan "West Virginia - Wild and Wonderful"; and
Whereas, Some West Virginians have debated whether the current welcoming message should be replaced with the prior slogan "West Virginia - Wild and Wonderful"; and
Whereas, Providing a forum for public input on this issue would afford West Virginians an opportunity to voice their preference on the slogan; therefore, be it
Resolved by the Legislature of West Virginia:
That the Legislature hereby requests the Division of Tourism to commission an online survey and/or poll of state residents to determine the preference of West Virginians for the slogan appearing on highway signs over our state borders; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Division of Tourism report to the Governor on its findings, conclusions and recommendations no later than December 31, 2008; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the expenses necessary to conduct this study and to prepare a report be paid from legislative appropriations to the Division of Tourism; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Clerk of the Senate is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Division of Tourism.